Weekly Call Structure
TEAM FLOW - Weekly Zoom Calls - Training
Sunday 5pm pst
NC Bootcamp zoom call
Monday: 6pm pst Nutrition Talk Training NutritionTalk.Live - Nutrition Call ( Products and Results )
Meeting ID: 833 2339 9907
Passcode: TEAM
Tuesday 5pm pst: HOM Herbalife Opportunity / Team Training 5pm pt. - Every Tuesdays Night
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 298 078 113
Passcode: TEAM
Sunday 5pm pst
NC Bootcamp zoom call
Monday: 6pm pst Nutrition Talk Training NutritionTalk.Live - Nutrition Call ( Products and Results )
Meeting ID: 833 2339 9907
Passcode: TEAM
Tuesday 5pm pst: HOM Herbalife Opportunity / Team Training 5pm pt. - Every Tuesdays Night
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 298 078 113
Passcode: TEAM
Telegram Chats
24 Health Hub Resource Library
Join Chat Here: https://t.me/joinchat/ADC70lpRRw82Mjcx
This is a channel that provides quick access to important images, messages, videos etc. (You can not post in this group but you can pull content from it)
Join Chat Here:
This telegram group is designed for active distributors to communicate about corporate events, updates and to celebrate. This group is NOT for asking questions pertaining to your training or launching your business.
BTC Coaches Group
Join Chat Here: https://t.me/joinchat/xo5Ao0TfKddjMjYx
This is for ALL coaches that are participating in the BTC
Join Chat Here: https://t.me/joinchat/1DAWhug08m0xODdh
This is for TAB team only that is committed to guaranteeing pot for the BTC
***Each committed TAB team member in the BTC should have a "Coaches Group" for their NON TAB downline coaches using the BTC.
Make sure you pin a post at the top of your group with your Venmo and instructions.
Make sure you pin a post at the top of your group with your Venmo and instructions.